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Heaven Knows / Tosinger

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Atlanta based Singer/Songwriter & the Queen of afrosoulful nostalgia, Tosinger releases " Heaven Knows" ft the very soulful voice of Nigerian Producer/Singer/Songwriter ~ Mr Brown. A new song to usher in the new year for the goal setters, the dreamers and the world changers, ' Heaven Knows' is a song of faith and destiny. It features a sampled chorus of Ghana' s Osibisa' s Woyaa yaa (We are going) released in 1971. Tosinger is known for her inclination for afro~folklore and classics while incorporating lyrics with Yoruba proverbs and sayings on a contemporary musical platform. The song aims to set the tone right for 2017 on a positive, inspirational note, that all things are possible and freedom (in all sense of the word) is inevitable at the end, only if you believe. Connect with @Tosinger on all social media (Instagram, Twitter) and Mr Brown can be found at @BrownSoul1 On Instagram

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