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mr. collipark

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~ 13 years ago stanfrancisco said:
Happy new to all the people in this site..
Compliments of the season as 2010 winds up today in grand style. We are grateful you have been with us but we plea that we remain real friends in 2011. You see being a real friend is a tremendious responsibility. You have to be loyal, honest, sincere, reliable, dependable, friendly, pleasant, open, sociable, responsive, welcoming and gracious. You also have to be forgiving at times, be prepared to offer help, support and sympathy, at the same time you don't want to be taken advantage of nor have the wool pulled over your eyes, and you have to be brutally candid at times and be prepared to risk the friendship by being so. Yet equally there are times you need to hold your tongue and keep your opinion to yourself. You have to offer the friendship enthusiasm, dedication, determination, creativity, interest, passion and drive. And all this you have to do. What do they(your friends and us) have to do? Well, in an ideal world the same. If they fail to do any of this, you will still carry on being their friend, being forgiving, being supportive and being there. And if you are to take anything from this article, the most important bit is BEING THERE.

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