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Mighty God / Nkay

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Mighty God is a song of appreciation and Thanksgiving to God about his faithfulness and wondrous act, it' s a song that describes how big and great our God is and how wonderful and miraculous his ways are, and how incomprehensible his acts, we don' t know and can' t understand or fathom and say how he divides the ocean, raise the dead, heal the sick, cures cancer and every deadly ailment and even how he supplies our needs on a regular basis. We don' t know how he does it but of a truth we like and love every bit of it. That' s why he is called a mighty God. So all we can do or say to our mighty God and destiny changer for all the things he has done for us and the battles he has won on our behalf is Thank you - Oghenedo. Produced by Mikary Music Studio

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