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On the Cross / Austinkeyz

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Austinkeyz, a stage name for Augustine Ekwere recently released a hit single titiled "You are God", to the Glory of God testimonies have been coming in as a result of what God is doing through that song.
“The song ‘On the Cross’, produced by TyKeys was birthed out of the desire of the artist to explore the power of the Cross of Jesus and it's effect on our daily living. In all, it dawned on me that the Cross carries the potential to save us from our Sins, bring freedom and healing to everyone that cares to reach out to the cross. (Colossians 2 Vs 14b, "and took it out of the way, nailing it to his Cross")
On the Cross serves as a daily anthem for everyone who desires to move unto perfection in Christ exploring the power of the Cross for effective Christian daily living.
The one theme that consistently spans the 5 minutes 26 seconds song is a true desire of the artiste and the mix of message and melody.
This song is a conscious act of surrendering and acknowledgement of the WORK of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross. Power of sin is broken for you on the cross, your freedom is on the cross and your healing is on the cross.
Download with Expectation! God bless you.

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