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Why do most men take good, hardworking ladies for granted? ...Here’s my story, I’d be 26 in a few days. there’s this guy I’ve been seeing for a while, he’s in the states and I’m back here in Nig, we have been together before he traveled, we’ve always been on and off, he’d just disappear and reappear anytime he see me doing pretty well for myself. I run an online store, I’m more introverted and I have just few friends. So recently things weren’t going quite well and my phone crashed, I had to use money from my business to get a new one and it really affected it My BF on the other hand sometimes ask me about it but he’s not willing to help in anyway .. he has a good job, he has the money because he tells me about most of his transactions. My sis once had accommodation ish in school and I needed just 20k to balance up, I told him about it he said he didn’t have and the following day transferred 100k plus to his mom for shopping ...I am not a liability, I’m not demanding and I’m even willing to do something for myself, all I want is just a little support. I come from a struggling family.. back to now I told him about my birthday, told him I needed to get a few stuff, I actually had it in mind to add it to the money for my business ..oga told me he had just 3500 to spare lmao like wth!! And since then he’s not really been talking to me and he’s recently talking to me about marriage, I’m pretty sure if I’m able to struggle my way through and try to put the pieces together which is usually difficult Because no one is willing to help now he’d come back again and start preaching about how he sees his future with me .. I’m someone who don’t believe in someone changing a particular thing about them after marriage ..but can I really settle with someone like this if he’s indeed serious about Marriage?


~ 5 years ago aisocool17 said:
Here's the hard truth
You're just like every average typical Nigerian girl who feels a guy owes her shit! Just by reading your confession it's glaring that your issue with him is that he's tight fisted. Imagine you comparing yourself with his mom... He sent some money to his mom and he didn't send any to you, Wtf!? That man doesn't owe you squat!
You'd be doing him a favour if you end things with him cause at this point you're not adding any value to his life. You're basically a parasite and I hope he's wise a enough to notice it soon!
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~ 5 years ago wahleysage said:
Drop him
He won' t change You don' t matter much to him, here not even making any serious effort at making a good impression on you He' s probably getting off on some other chick elsewhere You need a man that values you, your efforts, dreams, time, loyalty and love and is ready to appreciate you for it Drop his stingy arss
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~ 5 years ago cappucinocupcake said:
leave him
uve seen all the signs ma dear. hs just not serious at all so move on with ur life and never entertain him again
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~ 5 years ago natyano2 said:
The females comments selfishly
Well men also confess selfish but from ur confession you need both male and female advice but men would give u real one cos it concerns your man more about you. Here is the take home. Aiscool comment u are living in Nigeria girl mentality.he owes you no ass. For those thinking if he values you he should show by spending more on you its complete lie. You invest in a relationship that you are not sure it will end in marriage? Now, if you reject his proposal now. How will he feel after spending all money he would have use to help his mum and family? I want to tell you just like me that when you guys marry it would be sure he has nothing to lose spending money on you or siblings. Only guys that are bent on eat and clean mouth would keep spending on a relationship that' s not certainly end in marriage because they would eat their share and go to other latest babe in town
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~ 5 years ago quest3 said:
i just de look you
don' t be a confused fellow, read the handwriting on the wall.
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~ 5 years ago charlie4u said:
from experience at times its not worth it spending on ladies it can lead to some dangerous emotions he will feel more comfortable knowing you are finally his so if you like you can take the risk
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